Friday, April 15, 2022

The Earl Who Sees Her Beauty - Marguerite Kaye (HH #1608 - Oct 2021)

Unaware of her beauty…
Until he awakens her.
Prudence Carstairs knows her scars leave her with no romantic prospects -- instead, she's content revolutionizing her employer's home with her technological marvels. Then he unexpectedly perishes and his mysterious younger brother, dashing Dominic Thorburn, reluctantly takes over. In the new earl, Prudence finally finds someone who meets her gaze without flinching. Might he see the beautiful, intelligent woman beyond her scars?

Terrific book about two scarred and lonely people. Prudence's scars are mainly on the outside, while Dominic's are more emotional. It takes trying to help each other see the parallels in their own lives.
The story starts in Greece, where Dominic went after the disastrous end of his beloved army career. He spends his days swimming, gardening, and caring for his goats, with trips to the local taverna for coffee and companionship. On one of those trips, the taverna keeper gives him a London newspaper left behind by a tourist. One small notice in that paper changes his life, as he discovers his father and brother are dead, leaving him the new Earl of Bannatyne. Dominic has no interest in the title or anything else, but he can't ignore them either, returning to England. He intends to sell everything as quickly as possible and return to Greece. And then he meets Prudence.
Prudence lives in the old rectory with her scholar brother and runs his household. Badly scarred as a child, she only goes out in public wearing a hat and a veil and has given up all hope of love and a family of her own. Instead, she made do with renovating and modernizing her employer's home until he unexpectedly died. Since then, she has continued to care for the house. The arrival of a previously unknown younger brother comes as something of a shock.
I loved the first meeting between Prudence and Dominic. The encounter was quite ... revealing. Prudence, who knew nothing of Dominic's existence, thought he was a vagrant making free of an empty home. Her skepticism was understandable, and I enjoyed seeing her put him through his paces to prove his identity. Dominic doesn't know what to make of Prudence, a gently bred woman with great fire.
I enjoyed watching the relationship develop between Dominic and Prudence. After a rough beginning where both need to overcome some misconceptions, they form a deepening friendship. I loved how easily Dominic sees past Prudence's scar to the amazing woman she is. It was incredibly moving that he doesn't ignore it; he accepts that it's there and moves on. As their friendship grows, Dominic shares his family history and the story of his army career, which reveals him to be the brave and honorable man that he is.
As the time passes and their friendship develops into something more, Dominic becomes determined to show Prudence that her scars do not define her. I loved the things he did to make her happy, from a trip to the beach to the Exhibition in London. I ached for her when the Exhibition trip went so horribly wrong and loved Dominic's tender care of her. I also liked how Prudence worked to make Dominic see that he could do so much more to help people if he assumed his title and used his influence to help the poor that way, too.
I loved seeing them give in to the attraction that grew stronger the more time they spent together, leading to the admission of their love for each other. But while Dominic sees that Prudence is right about how he can do the most good, Prudence still can't get out of her own way to see that she and Dominic belong together. When she's with him, she believes anything is possible, but her fears and insecurities cause her to pull back. I was happy to see her finally consign "Poor Prudence" to the past and embrace a new future. The epilogue was fantastic.
I liked the secondary characters that helped round out the story. Prudence's brother Clement can seem oblivious at times, but he loves his sister and is very protective of her. I also enjoyed meeting her sister, Mercy, who is trapped in an unhappy marriage. She is the next book's heroine, and I can't wait to read it. Mercy also has a friend, Sarah, who plays a part in the latter half of this book, and has made a lasting impression on Clement. Hopefully, we'll see more of them in the next book also.
I loved the depth of historical detail in this book. Dominic's memories from the Crimean War add depth to the events that caused his discharge and his determination to help those affected. Sewage issues also played a significant role in the story, including Dominic's unique method of courting Prudence.


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