Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Saving Her Mysterious Soldier - Bronwyn Scott (HH #1623 - Jan 2022)

She saved his life
He awakened her heart
Nurse Thea Peverett saves an injured soldier in the Crimea -- only to realize he can't remember who he is! She brings him home to England to help him recuperate. As Thea warms to charming, irresistible Edward, who understands her like no other man ever has, she forces herself to resist him. For one day, he might recall his true identity and leave her behind…

Good book. Thea is a nurse who joined Florence Nightingale in caring for the wounded in Crimea. She saved one soldier from being left for dead. She calls him Edward because he can't remember who he is. When she returns to England, she takes him with her, hoping her doctor father can help him further in his recovery. Falling in love with Edward was never her plan.
I loved Thea. She received the same education as her twin brother, William, who became a doctor like their father. But because she is a woman, that path isn't open to her. Events from her past convinced her that marriage is not an option, so she devotes her time to her medicine. She is independent, fierce in her advocacy for her patients, and outspoken in her opinions.
I loved Edward also. His determination to get well and then discover who he is was undeniable. It is evident from the start that he is a gentleman, but he remembers nothing of his life before the battle that injured him. He is handsome, charming, kind, and just as fierce as Thea when it involves something he believes in.
I enjoyed watching the development of the relationship between Thea and Edward. They became friends as she cared for him in the hospital. It was easy to see that something about him made her want him to get better. Edward thought of her as his angel, who quieted his fears and made the pain go away. Once they arrive back in England and Edward's health improves, things change. Sparks start to fly between them, but they try to resist them. Thea believes that Edward will return to his old life and leave her behind once his memories return. Edward won't make any advances while he lives in her family's home and doesn't know the truth about who he is.
There are some sweet and emotional scenes between them as Edward continues to improve. I loved Edward's protectiveness when he stood up for Thea against another dinner guest. His respect for her and her profession is undeniable, and I loved his vocal support. The nightmare scene broke my heart as it showed Edward's fear and despair. There was also good that came out of it, as they used some of the information to ask for help figuring out who he is. But by this time, Edward isn't sure he wants to know because it could take him away from Thea. I could feel their desperation as they reached for what happiness they could grab before their questions were answered.
The arrival of Thea's sister and brother-in-law brought that wait to an end. I was glued to the pages as Edward learned of his past and its meaning for his future. I ached for Thea, who tried to push him away, sure that there was no way for her to fit in his world. There are obstacles to face, from skeptical family members to cruel-hearted society members, not to mention Thea's insecurities. I loved Edward's big moment and his way of showing her his love. The epilogue was terrific, and I hope to see more of them in the rest of the series.

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