December Monthly Challenge

 December Monthly Challenge

1. Happy December Birthday!:
❄️ Read a book published in December, or read a book with blue or green on the cover in honor of December's birthstone, the Turquoise.
Starlight and the Christmas Dare - Michelle Major (HSE #2948 - Dec 2022) - Dec 9
2. Baby Names!:
❄️ Read a book that includes a character (doesn't need to be a MC) or is written by an author with one of the following popular baby names, or any variation or nickname of one of them (example using Robert: Robert, Rob, Bob, Roberta, Bobbie, Robertson, etc). Alternately, you may choose a book with a character, plot, scene or cover art that somehow represents the name's meaning (in parentheses). Some of the meanings are pretty obscure, so feel free to be creative!
This month's names:
* Daisy (Daisy Flower)
* Daniel (Only God Is My Judge)
* Clara (Illustrious)
* Cole (Victory of the People)
Most Eligible Cowboy - Stacey Kennedy (HD #2912 - Dec 2022) (Daniel) - Dec 8
3. Featured Author Challenge (FAC) – Alice Winters:
❄️ Read one book written by Alice Winters, or any author with her first or last name. Link to Alice Winter's backlist: Alice Winters.
Fun Facts about Alice Winters:
* She is known for writing LQBTQ+ romances
* Alice enjoys horseback riding
* Her writing also is known for its comedy and action
* One of her most popular series is called “Vampire Related Crimes”
❄️ You may also read any LGBTQ+ book or novella; or a book categorized on Goodreads as comedy or action; or a book in which a character is either a vampire or a character rides a horse in it (kudos if you can manage both!).
Ambush at Heartbreak Ridge - Colleen Thompson (HRS #2193 - Aug 2022) (horse) - Dec 4
4. National Bartender Day – Dec. 2: On the first Friday of December, this day honors not only the masters of making cocktails but also the ones who stay up late to listen to our drunken woes. Whether you’re a regular at their bar, or just passing through, raise a glass to your bartender on this day.
❄️ Read a book that has a scene in, or takes place in, a bar, nightclub, at any event where alcohol might be served. You can also read a book with some sort of alcoholic beverage on the cover, a book in which a character is a bartender, or a book where a character gets drunk or imbibes alcohol at some point during the story.
Wyoming Christmas Stalker - Juno Rushdan (HI #2113 - Dec 2022) (bar/bartender) - Dec 1
5. International Ninja Day – Dec. 5: Ninjas are thought to have existed since the year 600, and are known historically for being spies and assassins. Their training was passed on through generations, from parent to child. Now, pop culture has embraced ninjas and a variety of mediums portray these mysterious people in many ways. In Japan, there are museums dedicated to portraying the history and culture of ninjas.
❄️ Read a book with a character who is a ninja, spy, or assassin, or is being hunted by one of those three types. You can also read a book with weapons or with the color black on the cover, a book where a character is sometimes (or always) masked and/or is mysterious (your interpretation), or a book set in Japan.
Vanessa's Guardian - Josie Jade, Regan Black (Calamitte Jane Pub - Jan 2023) (weapon on cover) - Dec 30 
6. Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day – Dec. 8: Is this the day you’ll be whisked away by the Doctor, or slip through a hole in time? Possibly, but if not, you can pretend with the rest of us! On this day, celebrators are encouraged to wear clothes from another time while acting confused about some technology. Decide whether your pretend self comes from the past or the future, and have fun with it!
❄️ Read a book with a character who time travels, or is set in either the future or the past. You can also read a book with a clock/watch, police box/telephone booth, or some other image that makes you think of time travel, on the cover. You can also read a book categorized as science fiction on Goodreads.
A Match to Fool Society - Laura Martin (HH #1697 - Jan 2023) (set in past) - Dec 27
7. National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day – Dec. 16: On the third Friday of December, this day encourages those who cherish (or not) their ugly Christmas sweaters to flaunt them around town. Not sure if your sweater is ugly enough? Add some tinsel, bells, twinkling lights – the more garish, the better!
❄️ Read a book where a character wears (or views) a piece of clothing they consider ugly, or that they believe that others will consider ugly. You can also read a book with someone wearing a sweater either on the cover or in the story; or a book with a cover that is red or green; or a book that has a loud/brightly colored cover. You can also read a book with some sort of clothing contest in it, or a book where someone buys or donates clothing.
Chasing Christmas Eve - Jill Shalvis (Avon - Oct 2017) (ugly sweater) - Dec 27
8. Winter Solstice and Yule – Dec. 21: The winter solstice marks the shortest day (and longest night) in the Northern Hemisphere. On this day, the North Pole is at its furthest point from the sun, and the length of day in the Northern Hemisphere can range (depending on location) between 9.5 hours to never seeing the sun at all. The ancient celebration of Yule is also celebrated on this day, with traditions such as bonfires, decorating, feasts, and gift-giving.
❄️ Read a book that at least partially occurs during winter, or a book in which a gift-giving holiday of any type is celebrated. You can also read a book with a wintry scene or a nighttime scene on the cover, or a book in which a character attends/hosts a feast or other large meal (such as a family meal, wedding dinner, etc).
Lost in Little Havana - Caridad Pineiro (HI #2112 - Dec 2022) (nighttime)- Dec 6
9. Write a Friend Month: December is hectic for many, but it’s also a time to celebrate the people in your life. During this month, people are encouraged to put pen to paper by sending a card or letter to a friend. Celebrate them, celebrate you, and celebrate that special bond that you share.
❄️ Read a book with a character who writes a letter during the story. You can also read a book that includes a close group of family or friends, or a book in which characters become friends or form a special bond. You can also read a book with any writing utensil, paper, envelope, or anything else that reminds you of sending a letter on its cover.
The Duke's Protector - C.H. Admirand (Dragonblade Pub - Dec 2022) (close family) - Dec 14
10. Reader's Choice:
❄️ Read any book of your choice.

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