Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Her SEAL Bodyguard - Cindy Dees (HRS #2181 - May 2022)

Series: Runaway Ranch (Book 3)

She is supposed to be in hiding
But his eyes are on her…
With her life in danger, operative Gia Rykhof plans to lie low in a small town. A different name, a slight disguise and her years of training should keep her safe. But she’s attracted the attention of Marcus Tate. The muscular stranger claims to be a Navy SEAL. But can Gia trust that Marcus isn't the man sent to kill her?

Terrific book that sucked me in from the first page and kept me hooked to the end. The story opens as Gia provides surveillance support to a special operations team on the ground in the Middle East. As the op concludes, she witnesses some suspicious behavior, but before she can report it to the team, her secure location is breached, her computer stolen, and her life threatened.
When next we see her, she is hiding in a small Montana town while her boss tries to figure out what is happening after she barely escaped two attempts on her life. She works as a manicurist at the local salon and takes fly-fishing lessons. Her enthusiasm exceeds her skill, and she hooks another fisherman instead of a fish. Marcus, her "giant trout," turns out to be a Navy SEAL, staying with a friend and recuperating from an injury. Marcus is intrigued and attracted to the unusually fit woman, even more so when he senses a hint of fear and wariness. With his protective instincts aroused, he follows her and notices that he's not the only one doing so. Her evasion skills pique his curiosity, as do her non-answers to his attempts to get to know her.
Gia is initially leery of Marcus, unsure if he is one of the men trying to kill her. I liked seeing how she figured out he was okay and her tentative trust when she needed help. In the face of Marcus's probing questions, she struggles to keep secret her identity as a member of the Medusas, an all-woman, top-secret special operations unit. When they decide to look for the man following her, it's all she can do to keep quiet during Marcus's somewhat condescending instructions. I laughed out loud as she more than kept up with him.
The action and suspense heat up as Gia and Marcus, along with his friends, come together to lay a trap for her pursuer. There were some tense moments as things didn't go entirely to plan. I ached for the person they caught and the reasons for his presence. The intensity ramped up as Gia, and the others realized they needed help to carry out the next step. Some lighter moments relieved the tension as Marcus's SEAL friends were introduced to Gia's Medusa teammates and learned their capabilities the hard way. The team they built was fantastic. The final confrontation was intense, though the outcome was never in doubt. There were a couple of threads left hanging that I hope will be addressed in the next book.
I loved watching the development of the relationship between Gia and Marcus. I loved some of the scenes between them, as Gia gives as good as she gets in their interactions. Marcus isn't used to women who push back, and he loves it.  The sparks between them were instant and intense, but both tried to resist them. They are aware of the dangers of being emotionally involved with someone you work with and the distractions it can cause. Despite their initial unwillingness to take that step, the results are explosive when they do. With their determination to continue their careers, I wondered how they would make it work. I hope to see them in future books.
Though this is the third book in the Runaway Ranch series and related to the two Medusa series, it worked fine as a standalone. It did, however, make me want to read those books as soon as I get a chance. 


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