Saturday, November 19, 2022

Code Name: Outlaw - Janie Crouch (Calamitte Jane Pub - Nov 2022)

Series: Zodiac Tactical (Book 5)
            LinearTactical (Book 15)
Months trapped in the clutches of a madman made Jenna Franklin a shell of the woman she once was. All she can do now is use her computer genius from inside the safety of closed doors.
Even two years later, going outside = blood-freezing panic.
She’s made herself a haven in the only place she’s felt safe since her captivity: Oak Creek, Wyoming—home of her Linear Tactical friends. They don’t realize the extent of her emotional trauma, but at least she knows she can trust them.
Only one person knows the truth about the fragile mental state she’s hiding: Zodiac agent, Mark Outlawson—code name: Outlaw.
He’s witnessed her panic firsthand. Knows what it does to her.
When info on a human trafficking group—one connected to her own captivity—comes to light, it’s clear only Jenna’s expertise can stop them. Mark will have to prove Jenna can trust him—to keep her secrets, to protect her, to help fight her demons.
He’ll prove this outlaw is a hero.

Once I started reading this book, I could not put it down - not unusual for a Janie Crouch book! Code Name: Outlaw is a crossover story between the Linear and Zodiac Tactical books. Mark Outlawson, code name Outlaw, works for Zodiac Tactical and helps the team at Linear Tactical when needed. Almost two years earlier, he had participated in taking down a human trafficking ring, which is where he met Jenna Franklin. He has never forgotten her.
Jenna is a brilliant bioengineer and computer genius. She was kidnapped, tortured, and forced to create a method of chemical subjugation and gene editing. Since her rescue, she has suffered from debilitating PTSD and agoraphobia to the point where she can't leave her home. Even her Linear Tactical friends in Oak Creek don't know the extent of her suffering as she never talks about it. Jenna feels her condition is worsening after her fears were brutally used against her. She has begun to question her sanity.
The story begins when the FBI sends one of its agents to Oak Creek to request help from Linear Tactical and Jenna. A new human trafficking ring is using Jenna's methods in a new and deadly way, and they need Jenna's help to stop them. I loved this scene, as the LT team doesn't care for this agent and gives him an especially "warm" welcome. Dorian and Ray made me laugh out loud with their pointed attention. I ached for Jenna as she forced herself out of her safe haven to the Eagle's Nest to deal with the issue.  As terrified as she is to get involved, Jenna knows she has to help, or she won't be able to live with herself.
Over the past year and a half, Mark has become friends with Jenna. He understands her fears after seeing her condition when she was rescued. Over time, his feelings for her have deepened, but he knows she isn't ready to hear it. When he learns what is required of her, Mark is determined to give her all the support she needs. I loved seeing the depth of his caring as he took extraordinary steps to help Jenna with her fears. Using a mobile lab and command center provided by Mark's boss at Zodiac Tactical, Mark and Jenna race against time to unravel the clues, stop the deaths, and prevent a terrorist plot.
I loved watching the relationship develop between Jenna and Mark. His love for Jenna is evident from the get-go, and his patience and understanding won my heart. Jenna realizes that her feelings for Mark are deeper than friendship but believes that Mark would grow to resent the severity of her agoraphobia. I loved watching him chip away at her fears with his understanding. Mark also has his demons to fight, ones that mean the end of the life he has now. We see his fears and frustrations as he struggles to keep his problems from impacting their mission. When everything was over, I loved how Mark's vision helped Jenna see the possibilities of a future together. The two epilogues were fantastic, and I loved the look at their future happiness.
The suspense of the story was intense from start to finish. From the moment that FBI agent Callum Webb shows up in Oak Creek, we get a roller coaster of emotions as Jenna struggles to find the formula to stop the deaths. She and Mark crisscross the country looking for the clues that will put her on the right track. Right on their heels are those who want to stop her from finding the antidote and force her to complete the project to their satisfaction. The twists and turns kept me glued to the pages through the final confrontation. I felt Jenna's terror when they were captured; she had to choose between helping the bad guys and seeing them kill Mark. I loved her ingenuity in finding the perfect solution. There were some scarily intense moments before it was all over, but it was all worth it.
While the Linear Tactical series has now come to its official end, I expect we will continue to see various characters in other books. The LT and ZT teams are such good friends (and being intermarried) that it would be hard to separate the two completely. I'd also like to see Callum get his own story. 


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