Friday, October 7, 2022

A Lady Never Surrenders - Bronwen Evans (Bronwen Evans - Sept 2022)

Series: Sisterhood of Scandal (Book 1)
From USA Today Bestselling Author, Bronwen Evans comes her new Sisterhood of Scandal series. A group of ladies whose friendship is based on ensuring they can take on the world dominated by their men folk. No male relative is going to choose their destinies.
Shhh. Blue Stocking Miss Tiffany Deveraux has a secret. The poor orphan is not so poor. But she doesn't want that information to become common knowledge. Being a plain Jane, any hint of money would just bring fortune hunters to her door. No. In society’s eyes she will remain the poor orphaned ward of the Earl of Marlowe. Only then will she ensure the man who eventually professes his love for her is genuine.
Lord Slade Ware, the Marquess of Wolfarth also has a secret. He’s a renowned investment guru with everything he touches turning to gold. Or is he? Society may think so, but mostly his investments have been blind luck, and he’s pretty sure his luck is about to run out. Help comes in the form of his best friend’s ward. He’s learned Miss Tiffany Deveraux’s secret. She’s an investment guru who has accumulated a considerable sum. Marriage would seem a sensible option with so many dependents relying on him. But what's a man to do when the one thing a woman wants isn't his looks, title or money—it's his heart and Wolfarth's heart is shattered beyond repair.

Terrific start to the new series. The book opens as seventeen-year-old Tiffany, who has lost her parents in a brutal murder, arrives at her guardian's home after days of travel. Visitor Slade Ware, aka Wolf, assists by carrying the exhausted girl to her room. Tiffany is immediately smitten by the handsome young man. Six years later, her feelings for him haven't changed, but she may as well be invisible to him.
Tiffany has plans for her future. Resigned to the fact that she is unlikely to marry, Tiffany has used her father's stock market training and her affinity for numbers to set herself up with enough money to live independently. She wants to marry for love, if she marries at all, and not be forced to marry for security. She has done well enough for herself that her friends, who call themselves the Sisterhood, have also invested through her to fund their dreams and projects. Their investments are a secret because it isn't done for a lady to be involved in trading, and their reputations would be ruined if discovered. Unfortunately for Tiffany, on a rare visit to her stockjobber, she is seen by Wolf, who is horrified by the potential scandal.
Wolf is at the Exchange to see his stockjobber, hoping for good news about his investments. He has a reputation as a knowledgeable investor but feels he has mostly been lucky. With estates to run, a family to support, and an uncle rapidly running up gambling debts, Wolf constantly worries about his financial health. When he learns Tiffany's secret, he decides that marrying her would solve all his problems. He's stunned to discover that Tiffany disagrees and, in desperation, enters into a wager with her. At the end of a month, whichever one of them profits the most from their investments wins. If Tiffany wins, Wolf will keep her secret, while if Wolf wins, Tiffany will marry him. He decides to hedge his bets by making her fall in love with him.
I loved watching this relationship develop. Wolf is unaware that Tiffany already loves him, but she won't settle for anything less than his love. Several years earlier, Wolf lost his fiancée, and he has closed himself off to love ever since. He tells himself that he is intrigued by her wit, intelligence, and beauty, which is why he can't get her off his mind. I loved that he so quickly sees her inner and outer beauty while most people only see a plain Jane. Tiffany is puzzled by Wolf's pursuit; she doesn't know what he sees in her. When Tiffany receives disturbing news about her investments, she turns to Wolf for help. Tiffany's feelings for Wolf deepen in the time they spend together working to solve her troubles. Wolf begins to suspect that his feelings for her are deeper than he thought but isn't sure he's ready to risk his heart again. I loved seeing Tiffany break down the walls he built around his heart with her kindness, compassion, and refusal to accept anything less than all of him. Their chemistry is fantastic, and their banter is fun. They are perfect for each other.
A bit of mystery and danger is attached to Tiffany's stock trading as she discovers her stockjobber isn't who she thought he was. I loved Wolf's protectiveness as he uncovered links to his past and hers and his determination to keep her safe. I enjoyed the investigative process and seeing them work to recover Tiffany's funds. The final confrontation is intense and stirs up Wolf's greatest fears before everything is resolved. I loved Tiffany's understanding and refusal to allow Wolf to backslide into his old ways. The epilogue was terrific.
As the first in the series, there is a fair amount of time spent introducing all the characters. We have Tiffany, her cousins, Wolf's sisters, and several of their friends - eight young ladies in all. All of them are intelligent, and each suffers from male relatives who treat them like empty-headed children. I enjoyed their Sisterhood meetings and seeing their close friendships and support of each other. I laughed out loud at their plan to show the men up by placing an anonymous investing wager.
On the male side, we have Wolf, Tiffany's cousin Marlowe, and other brothers, cousins, etc. Tiffany's cousin Marlowe loves her and his sisters, but his general attitude toward women is appalling. I can't wait for his story, as I hope whichever lady ends up with him makes his life miserable as he learns his lesson. Wolf's brother, Rockwell, seems an okay guy but also has a few things to learn. I loved the guys' reactions to the challenge and their arrogant belief that they had nothing to worry about. I can't wait to see their responses when the challenge is over, and they lose (as I'm sure they will) to a bunch of women.

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