Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Escaping with Her Saxon Enemy - Sarah Rodi (HH #1652 - May 2022)

Series: Rise of the Ivarssons (Book 2)
Her tempting enemy
Is a chink in her armor!
Viking shield maiden Svea Ivarsson would far rather face Saxon warriors than be on the run with the fiercely captivating Lord Ashford Stanton, protector to the Saxon king. Reaching Ash's family castle, Svea must swap her chain mail for life as a lady. She can wield a sword like an expert, but no training has prepared her for craving the touch of her greatest enemy…

Terrific enemies-to-lovers story. Svea is Brand's sister (The Viking's Stolen Princess). She is shown as a fierce warrior equal to any of the men. She plays a large part in the resolution of that story's conflict. But a thread is left hanging when the Saxon king's right-hand man, Lord Ashford Stanton, prevents Svea from killing her enemy. This book picks up immediately after the previous one. Svea attends her brother's wedding and, afterward, makes her feelings about Ash's actions obvious during the feast. The next day, Svea accompanies Ash and the king's party as they leave for home, tasked with guiding them through the marshes. Neither of them expects their group to be ambushed and to be the only ones who escape capture. Now they must work together to effect a rescue.
I enjoyed seeing the development of the relationship between Ash and Svea. Svea is a fierce warrior, driven by her past traumas, and keeps everyone at a distance, especially men. She is not interested in romance or relationships and is surprised by her attraction to Ash. She sees him only as the enemy, a Saxon who got his position because of his birth and is disturbed by the feelings he stirs in her. At the same time, Ash keeps himself under iron control. He has a secret in his past that makes him fear what could happen if he allows the "monster" inside loose. Svea puzzles him with her warrior's bravado and feminine appearance. He's impressed with her skills but bothered by his attraction to her.
During their journey to his family's castle, Ash and Svea discover that they have misjudged each other. They have more in common than either expected, and I liked the tentative beginning of their friendship. Each realized that there are good and bad people on both Saxon and Dane sides. I loved their arrival at Braewood and seeing how they handled the chaos they found there. As their attraction toward each other grew, Svea had to decide if she trusted Ash enough to let down her guard, and Ash had to exercise great control not to rush her. Unfortunately, once they have given in to that attraction, Ash's protective streak overcomes his confidence in Svea's fighting abilities, and he makes a boneheaded move. I ached for Svea and her feelings of betrayal and anger.
The final confrontation at the king's stronghold was intense. Both Svea and Ash learn important lessons during that battle. I hurt for Ash, who finally comes to terms with who he is but thinks he is no good for Svea. Meanwhile, Svea is battling her pride and a broken heart. I loved how Brand set her straight and made it possible for her to go after her heart's desire. I loved seeing Ash's reaction to Svea's arrival and seeing their emotional reunion. All that is left is to find out Ash's fate regarding Braewood. The epilogue was fantastic. I can't wait to see what is next from this author.

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