Monday, March 7, 2022

Silver Creek Bodyguard - Lindsay McKenna (Zebra - Apr 2022)

Series: Silver Creek (Book 4)

With a fresh start in the heart of big sky country, Sara Romano is thrilled to bring her herbal remedies to the lovely people of Silver Creek, Wyoming.  But when her dark past follows her, and  Sara is nearly killed, she knows she is in imminent danger. Reluctantly accepting the bodyguard her mother hires, Sara opens her home to Wes Paxton. Trained to protect, the ruggedly handsome stranger soothes her fears, making Sara feel cared for in a way she has not felt in a long time.  If only she had the courage to tell him her family’s secrets. . . .
A former orphan who found family in the military, Wes can’t ignore the feeling that Sara is holding back.  The more time he spends with her, the more he understands how afraid she is—which only sends his well-honed protective instincts into overdrive.  So when danger finally closes in, Wes is an army of one, ready to do anything to protect the woman he’s falling hard for . . .

A terrific addition to the Silver Creek series with a sweet romance and gripping suspense. Sara came to Silver Creek looking for a fresh start away from the threats posed by her criminal father and half-brother. Her brother Manny wants her dead so that he can inherit their father's estate. Her father, Leo, is already in prison for his illegal activities, and Manny wants to take over his father's trafficking and drug empire. Sara's mother, Tsula, divorced Leo years earlier after finding out about his unsavory business, and except for required visitation, Sara has always lived with her mother, a successful businesswoman in her own right. Sara spent summer with her grandmother on the Cherokee reservation in North Carolina, learning about healing with herbs from Adsila. When Sara moved to Silver Creek, her mother insisted on hiring a bodyguard to protect her.
Wes left the SEAL teams a year earlier after an injury made it impossible for him to continue. His former Team leader, Steve, offered Wes a job with his security company in Silver Creek. A man with no family, who grew up in less-than-ideal foster homes, Wes feels somewhat adrift without his SEAL family. His one anchor and exposure to a typical loving family, Tom, led by example in showing Wes how to be an honorable man. He also encouraged Wes to take the job with Steve. When Wes arrives in Silver Creek, Steve already has an assignment for him - serving as a bodyguard for Sara.
I loved the first meeting between Wes and Sara. The previous bodyguard hadn't worked out because of his bad attitude, so Sara is wary of Wes's suitability. The idea is for Wes to serve as Sara's assistant, giving him a plausible reason to be there. Wes and Sara hit it off right away. Wes's SEAL background was as a medic, so he has the experience and a fascination with Sara's work with herbs. I loved their long and honest conversation about expectations and beliefs. Neither of them mentions the immediate attraction and connection that they felt. Wes fights his feelings because they could be a distraction to providing the best protection for Sara. Sara can't read Wes's feelings and doesn't want to make things awkward between them.
Over the first several chapters, Wes and Sara build an excellent working relationship and the beginning of a strong friendship. I loved seeing their emotional barriers start to fall as they got to know each other better. Their personalities are complementary, with Wes being a warrior with a bit of healing energy, while Sara is a healer with a warrior core. Those qualities become very important when trouble finds them.
During those first few chapters, we also look at Manny and his plans for Sara, his father, and the Mafia business he attempts to control. Those scenes contribute to the building tension as the reader gets a good idea of what will happen; we just don't know when. By the sixth chapter, we get that answer, and the intensity of the action and suspense kept me glued to the pages. Wes's abilities as a SEAL are all that stands between them and death. I loved seeing Sara's inner warrior emerge and blend seamlessly with Wes's actions. There were several heart-stopping moments when I wasn't sure how they would get out of it. I especially enjoyed seeing Sara get her licks in at the end of this event.
Because Sara is still alive, we know that Manny will not give up his murderous intentions. Once again, the tension builds as they wait for the other shoe to drop. I could feel Sara's desire for it all to be over as she and Wes visited the Wishing Tree. I ached for her and her belief that she would have to run again, leaving her new life behind. I could feel her fear when Manny himself made an appearance this time. I absolutely did not see the resolution of this confrontation coming and loved seeing it happen. I also enjoyed seeing Sara and her mother deal with the ramifications in a manner consistent with their beliefs.
I liked seeing Wes and Sara's relationship progress past the friendship they allowed themselves initially. I loved the slow build of the romance, which feels more realistic to me. I found it especially heartwarming to see how they loved and supported each other. I've noticed that the author usually gives the characters time to get to know each other before becoming intimate. I loved their visit to Sara's grandmother, whose insight into Wes was terrific. She knew exactly what to do, and I loved the difference it made to Wes. The changes in him were amazing, though he still had some moments of insecurity. His big moment at the end had a touch of one of those moments, which made its sweetness even more emotional.
One of the things I like about this series is how each book introduces an earth-related theme. Herbs, woodworking, organic farming and ranching, beekeeping (my favorite so far) are all addressed. I've learned a lot from these books and following the author on Facebook. The vividness of the descriptions, from the setting to the earth-friendly elements, pulls me deeper into the story. I also liked the inclusion of the Native American elements and the layers they added to the story. I can't wait for the next book.

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